Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it snow!

I think we were the only people in Texas to get this much snow. These were taken at 8:00 in the morning and it is still snowing. When I walked in the yard and heard the crunch of the snow under my feet it immediately took me back to Colorado. Except here it is MUCH colder!
So like any mother that is up for mother of the year, I bundled Mary up and sat her in the snow. She wasn't very happy but I managed to get a couple of cute ones.

Now, I did have her hood on...she just kept taking it off!

And right before I posted this blog I took this picture...it is still coming down.

Now if it would only do this on Christmas Day!!
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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mary Grace is ONE!

Of course when I was pregnant everyone told me over and over that my life would never be the same. I thought to myself....really? I have 5 dogs that take a lot of time and that I love like they were my own children...so really...it cant be all THAT different. BOY was I wrong! There really is no love like the love for your child.

I could not have had a better baby. Minus the not sleeping through the night for the first 8.5 months, she has been the perfect baby. Never fussy, always smiling, and is now sleeping like a pro.

Happy Birthday Mary!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Time to catch up!

Wow! A TON has happened since I last blogged!! I am going to get better at it I promise. I will start by blogging about our new house first.

Eric and I have been looking for a new house for over a year. We had just outgrown our other house. We were going to build, but quite frankly...I didn't want to deal with it. I just don't have the patience for that. So we looked at newer homes that were already built. This house was built by a builder (this was their dream home but he lost his job...) and they only lived in it for 5 months. We got a steal of a deal on it and it is PERFECT! I loved our little old house...and we had put a lot of work into it. However, it was time to move on.
so..... here it is

We love our new house and our goal was to get one that we would never have to move out of.

It has a HUGE kitchen and Tons of room. So now anyone that wants to come and visit can come and stay awhile! Hint..Hint!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

oh no!

Where did all my blogs go?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We have more....Teeth

I have been very blessed in the fact that Mary is not a big drooler. This week I noticed that she was chewing on her hands more..and then the drool came. She has had her bottom two teeth for 4 months so I have been waiting for her top ones. Well, We got FOUR (yes FOUR) teeth. All at the same time. She is such a trooper and hasn't complained much at all. I know it has to hurt!

So...here are some drooly pictures for ya!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Little fish

I decided in June to sign Mary up for swim class. I was a little nervous because I had no idea what to expect. Well, we just finished our first round and I am very happy we are doing this. She is so brave and goes under water for 8 seconds!!! (she will work her way up to 10!) It is very nerve racking watching her do this....I hold my breath too! hee!

And because he is too dang cute I am putting in a picture of our friends that our in our class Linkoln and Mandy

Here is a video!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

9 month pictures!

I have no room left in my house for pictures. NONE. Still I go and get pictures taken of Mary. She is quite the model I tell you. She had 5 outfit changes and no telling how many hats she had on and she never fussed about any of it. In fact when I was packing up all her stuff to leave (after about 2 hours) she was still playing around! Of course, as usual Eddy Saldivar did an AMAZING job. I told him to only give me 5 choices to pick from...he (with help of his wife Dana) gave me 112! Seriously...I need a bigger house!

So you guys can all go take a look!!!

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