Friday, November 28, 2008

Time to catch up!

Wow! A TON has happened since I last blogged!! I am going to get better at it I promise. I will start by blogging about our new house first.

Eric and I have been looking for a new house for over a year. We had just outgrown our other house. We were going to build, but quite frankly...I didn't want to deal with it. I just don't have the patience for that. So we looked at newer homes that were already built. This house was built by a builder (this was their dream home but he lost his job...) and they only lived in it for 5 months. We got a steal of a deal on it and it is PERFECT! I loved our little old house...and we had put a lot of work into it. However, it was time to move on.
so..... here it is

We love our new house and our goal was to get one that we would never have to move out of.

It has a HUGE kitchen and Tons of room. So now anyone that wants to come and visit can come and stay awhile! Hint..Hint!


Our Legacy Portraits said...

Oh Yeah - I can TOTALLY see a new HUGE picture above the fireplace!!! We'll see you December 5th!

Heather said...

shhh...Eric said no more big pictures of Mary!! lol